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April 3rd 2024

Welcome to our April DISTRACTD.

Thankyou so much for coming along tonight. If you have been before thanks for coming back. If its your first night here, WELCOME. It's because of you and the regular attendees we are able to make this happen. If no one came to these events there would be no DISTRACTD. As I always say. Imagine if we could get all the family members, teachers, bosses and friends here to get an understanding of what ADHD is? How different our lives would become. Please reach out at any time to me. My email is

I hope you enjoy tonights event. Have a great night and month ahead.


Are you at DISTRACTD as

  • An individual with ADHD

  • A parent or partner

  • A teacher, Boss , Coach or co worker ?

  • Health Professional

What topics would you like to hear more about at DISTRACTD.

  • Write an answer

  • Write an answer

What experts would you like to hear from?

  • Write an answer

  • Write an answer

Tonights schedule

6:00 pm : Amanda DISTRACTD Founder to do official intro and welcome.

6:10 pm : Speaker 1:Candice Aouad ( Psycologist with Family Nurture Pacific Pines)

6:25 pm : Speaker 2: Colleen Measday ( ADHD Coach at My ADHD Coach )

6:40 pm : Speaker 3: Sarah Gurrin ( Psycologist with East Coast Assessments )

6:55 pm : 15 min break

7:10 pm : Q & A starts

8:30 pm : Event officially concludes and purchases can also be made now.

10:00 pm: Miami Marketta closes for the evening

Please jump on our Instagram / Facebook and Follow us and share with your friends and families . That will help us build our audience and help more people with ADHD connect to our community and learn from our experts.

FINALLY we have your Teachers Only event planned for NEXT WEEK ! There is some great speakers set to discuss What is neurodiversity affirming practice and why is it important within schools.

Don't miss this invaluable opportunity to learn from some of the Gold Coast's leading experts in neurodiversity and ADHD education. Reserve your spot today for an event that promises to empower and inspire educators to better support their students.

Meet your speakers for tonight :


Amanda Gorman - Founder of DISTRACTD

Amanda Gorman is passionate about building an ADHD community where we can connect with like minded individuals , bring our Boss, Work mates, Friends, Tutor, Coach, Teacher, Parent, Sibling,Neighbour or anyone we we think will benefit from learning more about ADHD and of course for US ourselves to all learn more ourselves.

Candice Aouad

A Psychologist who has been working in youth mental health and the substance use sector for about 8  years now. I currently work in private practice (Family Nurture in Pacific Pines) and in a Youth Complex Trauma Service called Lighthouse. I have the pleasure of working with people who present with a range of different backgrounds, challenges, and skills. My areas of interest mostly sit around the topics of neurodiversity, the brain, substance use and trauma. In my work I try to normalise neurodiversity for my clients and their families and support them to see the positive impact neurodiversity can have on all aspects of life. I try to work from a systemic approach to not only support my clients, but to include their families in their treatment as well. I incorporate practical mindfulness into my practice in the hopes that my clients and their families are able to use the skills they learn to manage their distress and work towards improving their overall functioning. I love that the research around neurodiversity in female born people is beginning to gain traction, and I enjoy working alongside people to support, educate, and make their ADHD work for them!

Colleen Measday

is the lead coach and founder of My ADHD Coach ( which specialises in tutoring for neurodivergent students, school support, advocacy, parent support and training. 

As a former Civil Engineer, her ADHD journey began with the diagnosis of her child oven 6 years ago. She has completed a Graduate Diploma of Psychology from the University of Adelaide and ADHD Coaching Certification from the ADD Coaching Academy, New York.

Sarah Gurrin

“Sarah is an autistic ADHDer that specialises in working with neurodiverse clients.. She runs a private psychology practice on the Gold Coast. Having previously been a primary school teacher she predominantly works with children from 4-14 years. However, she also provides assessments for adults, she has a special interest in working with girls, women, and LGBTIQ+ individuals”

Our Next Event :

Wednesday May 1st

We have as speakers Sunelle Asmussen ( neuro connections ) Dr Krisy Bayliss and Mark Conville from the laughter clinic.

Topics we will cover are

QEEG and Neurofeedback treatments and assessments

Misdiagnosis of Depression

Never Underestimate the power of laughter.

Anxiety and ADHD

Suicide prevention

Click the link below to RSVP for next month so we have correct numbers recorded.

Recommended reading / Viewing / Listening

I feel like I look like one of those pics of a quokka looking at the camera here . So funny.

ADHD WOmenst Palooza on now

Miami Marketta is a proud sponsor of DISTRACTD, to see their upcoming gigs and events click here .

Thank you for joining us . Please follow us, keep in touch and come along to our monthly events.

We would love to hear of your recommended podcasts, books, videos, groups etc to share with the audience.

What do you want to hear more about?

  • Mindfullness and Meditation

  • Alternative therapies

  • Kids and schooling with ADHD

  • The Diagnosis process

You can vote for more than one answer.

TO, YOU for attending, THE SPEAKERS Candice, Sarah and Colleen for their time and knowledge and MY FAMILY for supporting me with DISTRACTD. I know its a lot of effort and time and at times takes me away from you so thankyou for being there for me. A special mention to my sister Simone who is always here helping me to run things smoothly. I cannot do this without you .

Lets get this April off to a flying start. Have the best month and we will see you soon.

Amanda and the DISTRACTD crew xx

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