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September 4th 2024 Home of the Arts

Updated: Sep 3

Welcome to DISTRACTD for September at our wonderful new home HOTA ( the home of the arts). Its very exciting to be able to do these events here in such a cool space. We hope you all have a wonderful time and learn something new tonight.

Thankyou so much for coming along and being part of our community. . If its your first night at a DISTRACTD event, WELCOME. And if you are returning that is wonderful. I am really thankful for our little community where we are able to chat about all things ADHD and feel no judgement or pressure to be anything other than ourselves. I really appreciate you coming along to support each other and I enjoy meeting you all each month.

Tonights schedule

6:00pm: Guest Arrival & Amanda DISTRACTD Founder to do official intro and welcome.

6:15 pm : Speaker 1 : Dr Ashar Khan: Psychiatrist and Director of QLD ADHD and Neurosciences clinic.

6:30 pm : Speaker 2 : Charmaine Owen: Occupational therapist and owner of Kids & Community

6:45 pm : Speaker 3: Amanda Gorman: upcoming event info

6:50 pm: Video: Dr Russell Barkley

7:00 pm : 15 min break

7:15 pm : Q & A begins

8:30 pm : Event officially concludes

T Shirts and Merch

Our T shirts and Cards are on sale tonight .Please go and see Belinda to get yours.

JOIN THE MOVEMENT of Unity and support with our DISTRACTD T's.

"These shirts are more than just clothing - They are a symbol of Solidarity and acceptance . Wear it proudly to show that you stand with those with ADHD offering a silent nod of understanding and support. Together, lets create a community where everyone feels seen, accepted and valued." Amanda Gorman

Meet your speakers:


Amanda Gorman - Founder of DISTRACTD

Amanda Gorman is passionate about building an ADHD community where we can connect with like minded individuals , bring our Boss, Work mates, Friends, Tutor, Coach, Teacher, Parent, Sibling,Neighbour or anyone we we think will benefit from learning more about ADHD and of course for US ourselves to all learn more ourselves.


Dr Ashar Khan

Dr Ashar Khan



Dr Ashar Khan has practised as a Specialist Psychiatrist in Private Practice for 15 years at the Gold Coast. He only offers expertise in Neuropsychiatry of ADHD & ASD in ‘High Functioning’ individuals for all ages across the life span. He has attained extensive national and overseas advanced multidisciplinary training and expertise in ADHD, ASD and co-occurring Neurodevelopmental conditions.

Dr Ashar Khan is the Clinic Director QLD ADHD & Neurosciences Clinic (QANC). He established QANC as a novel clinic for patients who only sought Specialist expertise in ADHD & ASD related co-morbidity.

QANC has since served as a unique platform for ‘in-house’ GP training and empowered GPs to offer Specialist interventions and skillset, in the field of Neuro-developmental disorders co-morbid with mental health, under Specialist oversight and QANC diagnostic pathways. He also conducts an annual GP Training workshop in ADHD at the Gold Coast a prominent ADHD Expert speaker with numerous platforms.

 Dr Khan has worked as a Senior Consultant, primarily in Acute and Emergency Psychiatric services, at Qld. Health over 15 years. His interest in ADHD was cemented in 2004 when he commenced training in Addiction Psychiatry.

 He is an active member of AADPA, Qld. jurisdiction Chair for the RANZCP ADHD Network Committee, RANZCP Private Practice & Membership Engagement Committees


Charmaine Owen ( Occupational therapist )

(Kids & Community )

Recommended reading / Viewing / Listening:

Additude Mag Podcast Library ( so many amazing podcasts )

Job Access program

Individuals with ADHD in Australia can access financial assistance through the Employment Assistance Fund (EAF) offered by JobAccess, a government initiative. The EAF provides funding for workplace modifications, equipment, and support services to help employees with disabilities, including ADHD, perform their job duties effectively.

Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for the EAF, you must meet the following criteria:

  •  Have a diagnosed disability or mental health condition, such as ADHD which is expected to last for more than 2 years.

  • Be currently employed, or self-employed for 8 or more hours per week and expected to continue in this role for at least 13 weeks.

  • Require workplace adjustments, equipment, support or services to perform your job duties.

Funding Coverage

The EAF can cover various expenses related to disability or ADHD, including:

  • Specialised Support and Training Packages: Up to $1,562 per eligible employee within a 12-month period for individuals with ADHD or other specific learning disorders.

  • Workplace adjustments and modifications: Capped at $62,490 for physical workplace adjustments and building modifications.

  • Disability awareness training: Up to $1,562 per employee with a disability within a 12-month period to educate colleagues about ADHD and create an inclusive work environment.

Application Process

To apply for the EAF, follow these steps:

  1. Click here to go to the application page

  2. Follow the instructions to submit an online application, providing details about your employment, disability, and required adjustments or equipment.

  3. Once approved, the funding will be provided to cover the costs.

If you require a support letter, your doctor or healthcare professional can write you one indicating how this funding would improve your ability to continue employment.

It's important to note that the application for the EAF should be made before enrolling in any program or purchasing equipment, as the funding is not provided retroactively.

By accessing the JobAccess Employment Assistance Fund, individuals with ADHD in Australia can receive financial support to create an inclusive and accommodating work environment, enabling them to perform their job duties effectively and reach their full potential.


This months attendee quote

A quick note to thank you for all you do… You are a blessing to all of us that have been unseen and misunderstood for so long. And the fact that you must conquer all your own fears and challenges to help us experience these sessions makes it all the more powerful.


Thank you for becoming a part of our community. Make sure to stay connected with us, stay in touch, and join us at our monthly events.

We are eager to discover your favorite podcasts, books, videos, groups, and more to share with our audience. Please reach out to Amanda via email at

Thank you for your attendance, and special thanks to Dr Ashar Khan and Charmaine Owen for their valuable time and expertise. I would also like to express my gratitude to my family and to my dear friend Belinda working on the t shirt stand tonight for their support with DISTRACTD.

Amanda and the DISTRACTD crew xx

Thankyou to our sponsors.

Please get in touch if you are intersted in partnering with DISTRACTD.

Next months event is here at HOTA on the 2nd October from 6pm - 8:30 pm.

Ticket link to DISTRACTD for next month will be direct with HOTA at this link below.

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