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June 1

Updated: Jul 6, 2022

Welcome to Distractd

Thank you for being here tonight and for braving the cold. It's because of you we are able to do these events. I started Distractd to meet other people with a connection to ADHD and to learn from the people in the know. I soon found out my hunger for knowledge and connection regarding ADHD was something alot of other people were also seeking. As long as you all come along to these we will continue to deliver them. Thanks for making the effort to come out and join us I know more than ever how hard it is to attend things like this after a long day. Tonight we have some great speakers who will be sharing their knowledge and insights for us and of course there will be our Q&A session at the end where you can ask any questions.

Tonights schedule

6:00pm : Arrival

6:10 pm : Take your seats

6:15 pm : Founder Amanda

6:25pm : Speaker 1 : Sheree Cadman

6:45pm : Speaker 2 : Ilarrio Vitalis

7:00pm: Quick 10 min break

7:10 pm : Speaker 3:

Dr Glen Craig

7:25 pm : Q & A

8:20pm : Mingle

8:30pm : Event officially concludes

10:00pm: Miami Marketta closes for the evening

Follow Us :

Amanda Gorman:


Amanda Gorman is passionate about building an ADHD community where we can connect with like minded individuals , bring our Boss, Work mates, Friends, Tutor, Coach, Teacher, Parent, Sibling,Neighbour or anyone we we think will benefit from learning more about ADHD and of course for US ourselves to all learn more ourselves.

Sheree Cadman:


Sheree Cadman is a Clinically trained psychologist who specialises in cognitive ability and learning assessments, as well as assessment of developmental disorders such as ADHD and ASD. She has over 15 years experience working with both children and adults. She has previously worked in private schools as an educational psychologist conducting assessments and providing support for students from Prep to Grade 12. Her understanding of the education system, as well as funding and support options for students, assists her in providing you with the best possible guidance for your child's learning. Sheree believes in the need for psychologists to work with both families and their child's school to develop appropriate individual education plans and accommodations for their learning needs. Working with students, their families and their teachers is Sheree's passion. Her ultimate goal is to assist students to have the best opportunity to develop both socially and emotionally and also learn and perform to their highest possible ability

Ilario Vitalis :

Peer Practitioner with Mind Australia

Born 1967, Melbourne Victoria the eldest of three children.

Navigated infancy, childhood and young adulthood in a disciplinary & conservative Sicilian family environment.

Poor academic performance throughout both primary and secondary education – intellectual impairment was suggested in the first 5 years of schooling where the majority of classes were delivered within the Remedial Curriculum Program of the time, this extended into secondary level (repeating year 8 twice and year 11 three times) successfully qualified for year 12 completed via The Tertiary orientation Program (a year 12 equivalent) as the entry requirement were based on audition (Dance/Drama and not academic record).

Following a flourishing final year of secondary education opted out of further Tertiary Level Education, despite a successful audition to Rusden (Teacher’s) College majoring in Dance, Drama, however, academically challenged due to the lack of support within the education system he made his way upon his working life path.

He best describes the next 3 decades as, “I wandered the planet aimlessly, searching for my purpose and a safe space to call home”!

In 2014 Ilario completed his study in Clinical Aromatherapy, qualifying as an Aromatherapy Practitioner (with additional modalities of Acupressure, Polarity Therapy and Lymphatic Drainage), he set up his Aromatherapy Clinic, at The Centre for mind & Movement, in Moonee Pond, Victoria and kick started a range of Wellness Skin Preparations available at various Organic Supermarkets, Lifestyle Stores and Gyms.

In March 2017, an incident during ACL Reconstructive surgery resulted in a broken tibia, saphenous, femoral nerve damage a poor ACL implant and an overdose, due to incorrect pain relief dosage prescribed by his specialist – this resulted in the immediate closer of his business and the rapid decline of his mental health.

The following two years were dedicated to both his physical rehabilitation and exploring how best to navigate his Mental Health – in 2018 Ilario was diagnosed with C-PTSD, Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. In 2019, Ilario was diagnosed with ADD and so began a new path that would unfolded before him.

In 2019 he pursued his studies upon the Mental Health platform, graduating and starting his role with Mind Australia Limited (Melbourne, Victoria) as a Community Mental Health Practitioner in dual disabilities, supported adults, who navigating living with an intellectual disability and Mental Illness

Currently Ilario is a team member with Mind Australia supporting Young People navigating life with Mental Illness and a varied range of Mental Health barriers, such as ADD/ADHD, Autism Spectrum Disorder – Young People transition to the sub-acute facility, either from acute care or community.

Ilario and other CMHP (Community Mental Health Practitioners) & CMPP (Community Mental Health Peer Practitioners) together with Queensland Health clinicians, provide Young People with the life tools, strategies and self-awareness to better navigate life, reach their potential and to thrive & flourish.

Follow Ilario on instagam below

Dr Glen Craig :


Dr Glen Craig is a Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist who has been working in private practice on the Gold Coast since 2012.

Glen is a Fellow of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists. He holds additional Advanced Training qualifications in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. Glen has also previously held clinical titles of Associate Lecturer at Griffith University and the University of Queensland.

Glen specialises in the assessment, diagnosis and management of a range of psychiatric conditions in children and adolescents. Over the years, he has build a strong collaborative relationship with numerous health care professionals and schools on the Gold Coast.

Glen enjoys working with patients with a range of conditions, and is well known on the Gold Coast for his work in ADHD in both adults and children. Other areas of interest include Autistic Spectrum Disorder, Anxiety disorders, Depression, eating disorders, and problems of learning and education. DISTRACTD Apparel:

We want to build a community of people who see one another wearing a DISTRACTD item and give each other a nod of "I see you, I get it"

No explanations needed.

Our Next Event :

Wednesday July 6

Click the link below to RSVP for next month so we have correct numbers recorded.

Recommended reading / Viewing :

Driven to Distraction by Dr Ned Hallowell

Through vivid stories and case histories of patients — both adults and children — Hallowell and Ratey explore the varied forms ADHD takes, from hyperactivity to daydreaming. They dispel common myths, offer helpful coping tools, and give a thorough accounting of all treatment options as well as tips for dealing with a diagnosed child, partner, or family member. But most importantly, they focus on the positives that can come with this “disorder” — including high energy, intuitiveness, creativity, and enthusiasm.

Additude Mag:

* PMS and ADHD: How the Menstrual Cycle Intensifies Symptoms

* ADHD test for Adults from Additude

* Getting Things Done Just Got Easier

Amanda's Ted X talk discussing her ADHD diagnosis

Recommended Pages / Online Groups :

* How to ADHD

* Podcast and private group for Square Peg Round Hole

Recommended Apps / Tech:

Cozi Calender: This might not be for everyone but I have just been recommended this and its been great for us.

Here is what they say

"Cozi is the must-have organizer for families. It helps coordinate and communicate everyone’s schedules and

activities, track grocery lists, m

anage to do lists, plan

ahead for dinner, and ke

ep the whole family on the same page."

Survey results:

ADHD Life Coach 100%

Adult Specific topics are a fave with 88.89%

Nutrition and Vitamins 77.78%

The harsh realities of ADHD 77.78%

This months attendee quote

"I've found my tribe"

Miami Marketta is a proud sponsor of DISTRACTD, to see their upcoming gigs and events click here .

Thank you for joining us . Please follow us, keep in touch and come along to our monthly events.

We would love to hear of your recommended podcasts, books, videos, groups etc to share with the audience. Email Amanda on

TO, YOU for attending, THE SPEAKERS Dr Glen Craig, Sheree Cadman and Illario Vitalis for their time and knowledge. MY FAMILY for supporting me with DISTRACTD. CANDICE and YOLIE for keeping me accountable business wise. JOHN W for offering advice and investigations into solutions to help with noise reduction.

We look forward to seeing you all next month.

Amanda and the DISTRACTD crew xx

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