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Janurary 11

Welcome to DISTRACTD .Lets start the year with a bang! What a line up of guests we are kicking the year off with.

Thankyou for anyone who bought a DISTRACTD T. Your support means the world to us. I personlly cannot tell you how much joy I get by seeing you guys wearing a shirt or with the stickers on your cars, diaries , note books etc. Its so great. Thankyou so much for coming along tonight. If its your first night here, WELCOME. It's because of you and the regular attendees we are able to make this happen. If no one came to these events there would be no DISTRACTD. As I always say. Imagine if we could get all the family members, teachers, bosses and friends here to get an understanding of what ADHD is? How different our lives would become. Even though we have been doing this for over a year now I still find it hard to explain why I am the way I am and why I do the things I do. Having these experts help us to understand ourselves, Our loved ones and learn about the many aspects of ADHD is so valuable.

I am so pumped for tonights event. Please make sure you guys shoot me a text or email, say hi and if you want to catch up for a cuppa please let me know.

my number is 0409 997 285 (im a shocker at answereing my phone if you just call so text first to tell me when you will call ha ha) and email is

There are ADHD cards available to purchase tonight in various styles pricing below.

1 for $5

3 for $13

5 for $20

Tonights schedule

6:00pm: Guest Arrival

6:10 pm : Amanda distractd Founder to do official intro and welcome.

6:20 pm : Speaker 1: Daniell Bennett, Physiotherapist & Exercise Physiologist ( tidal health )

6:35 pm : Speaker 2: Monique Mitchelson,Clinical Psychologist and & host of the Neurodivergent woman podcast )

6:50 pm: Speaker 3: Sarah Gurrin, Psychologist, (East Coast Assessment Services. )

7:05 pm : 15 min break and time to purchase cards or T shirts.

7:20 pm : Q & A starts

8:30 pm : Event officially concludes and purchases can also be made now.

10:00pm: Miami Marketta closes for the evening

Meet your speakers:


Amanda Gorman - Founder of DISTRACTD

Amanda Gorman is passionate about building an ADHD community where we can connect with like minded individuals , bring our Boss, Work mates, Friends, Tutor, Coach, Teacher, Parent, Sibling,Neighbour or anyone we we think will benefit from learning more about ADHD and of course for US ourselves to all learn more ourselves.

Daniell Bennett

Physiotherapist and Exercise Physiologist

Tidal Health

Daniell is here for his second visit with us tonight as last time he was such a HIT.

Daniell is a passionate physiotherapist and exercise physiologist, who was also diagnosed with ADHD in 2017. He has special interests in a number of areas involving the brain and body connection including: - Mental health - Neurological/ Brain injuries - Neurodevelopmental and psychiatric disorders - Concussion - Vestibular disorders - Chronic and complex pain - General musculoskeletal conditions and injuries. Daniell is an avid surfer and combined with his passion for helping people has worked as a classifier at the Ripcurl International Open Para Surfing Competition in France and introduces surf therapy to patients. Daniell has completed a Bachelor of Exercise and Nutrition Sciences at the University of Queensland, A Graduate Diploma of Exercise Science at Griffith University and a Doctor of Physiotherapy at Bond University.

Monique Mitchelson:

Clinical Psychiatrist

Monique is an experienced Clinical Psychologist. She works with adults, older adults and teenagers.

Monique specialises in treating trauma, PTSD, complex PTSD and conditions that often co-occur with trauma such as sleep disorders, chronic pain, functional neurological disorders, dissociation, and anxiety and depression. Monique has an interest in Neurodiversity particularly in women and girls. She works with many neurodiverse clients with ADHD or who are Autistic and has a neurodiverse and LGBTQ+ safe workspace. Monique hosts a podcast with Neuropsychologist Michelle Livock called the Neurodivergent Woman Podcast where we share information on Neurodiversity in Girls and Women as well as interview women about their lived experience of neurodiversity. Monique has lived experience of being Neurodivergent. Monique practices Neurodiversity Affirming therapy. Neurodiversity Affirming therapy aims to affirm the different neurotype of a neurodivergent person, rather than seeing their neurotype as inherently "bad" or in need of fixing to become neurotypical. It aims for the person to explore their neurodivergent identity and find their own unique strengths. The Neurodiversity Affirming movement comes from the wider disability movement and is an important therapeutic approach in working with neurodivergent people. She is also a qualified yoga teacher which she incorporates into holistic approach with clients who request this. Monique has done yoga teacher training in Hatha Yoga, Yin Yoga, Kundalini Yoga, Yoga Nidra and Gong Yoga. Monique runs the APS EMDR Redlands Peer Supervision Group and is a member of EMDRAA. She is also a committee member of the APS EMDR Therapy and Psychology Interest Group. Her passion is sharing the benefits of EMDR with her community and other professionals and expanding the use of EMDR to those in the community who need it. As part of this Monique is part of the EMDR Trauma Recovery Network and the Disaster Response Network assisting those in the community recovering from disasters. Monique is also a member of the International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation (ISSTD) and an associate member of the Australian ADHD Professionals Association (AADPA) Monique is a confident speaker and presenter and has presented at

  • Schools

  • Private Practices

  • Kundalini Yoga Teachers Australia and New Zealand

  • An International mental health conference on trauma and resilience, polyvagal theory and chronic pain.

  • On Neurodiversity Affirming Paradigm to the Australian and New Zealand Chapter of the Association for Contextual Behavioral Science (ANZ ACBS).

  • On Compassion Focused Therapy from a Neurodiversity Affirming Perspective at the UQ Compassion Symposium 2022.

Sarah Gurrin: BBehSc, BSocSc(Psych)Hons, PGradDipEd, MPsych Psychologist (PSY0001586613) East Coast Assessment Services

Sarah is an autistic ADHDer that specialises in working with neurodiverse clients.. She runs a private psychology practice on the Gold Coast. Having previously been a primary school teacher she predominantly works with children from 4-14 years. However, she also provides assessments for adults, she has a special interest in working with girls, women, and LGBTIQ+ individuals”

OurNext Event :

Wednesday Feb 1st

Click the link below to RSVP for next month so we have correct numbers recorded.

TEACHING STUDENTS WITH ADHD: We are going to be doing an event End Of Feb / Early March on the Gold Coast ( date tbc) that will be a ticketed. The event is in relation to teaching kids with ADHD. This will be an event held elsewhere and will have multiple experts doing a more formal presentation on their subject in relation to teaching kids with ADHD. Please register your interest below in attendance so we can get in touch with a specific date and ticketing .

Register your interest in attending our upcoming ticketed event for TEACHING students wtih ADHD

  • Name

  • email

  • phone

Recommended reading / Viewing / Listening:

Amanda's Ted X talk discussing her ADHD diagnosis

This months attendee quote

We need to share to help create awareness & understanding - its part of our passion & purpose

Miami Marketta is a proud sponsor of DISTRACTD, to see their upcoming gigs and events click here .

Thank you for joining us . Please follow us, keep in touch and come along to our monthly events.

We would love to hear of your recommended podcasts, books, videos, groups etc to share with the audience. Email Amanda on

TO, YOU for attending, THE SPEAKERS Daniell Bennett, Monique Mitchelson and Sarah Gurrin for their time and knowledgeand MY FAMILY for supporting me with DISTRACTD.

Happy New Year to you all. Lets have the best year.

Amanda and the DISTRACTD crew xx

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