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June 7th 2023

Updated: Jun 8, 2023

Welcome to our 'Bring a Guest' DISTRACTD event for June. We are meeting tonight on the lands of our Kombumerri people ( the salt water people ) and we pay our respects to their elders past and present and emerging as they hold the memories, traditions, culture and hopes of our Indigenous people.

Thankyou so much for coming along tonight. If its your first night here, WELCOME. If you have been before Thanks for returning. It's because of you and the regular attendees we are able to make this happen. If no one came to these events there would be no DISTRACTD. If you are one of our 'Guests' supporting the ADHDer in your life. You are wonderful and we are so grateful to you for making the effort to come and learn about how our brains work. Imagine if we could get all the family members, teachers, bosses and friends here to get an understanding of what ADHD is? How different our lives would become. Having these experts help us to understand ourselves, Our loved ones and learn about the many aspects of ADHD is so valuable.

DISTRACTD events are information sessions on topics surrounding ADHD diagnosis, presentations and treatments followed by a Q&A session with the experts on the panel. It's not a support group of Group therapy session but more so an information session . Please treat our experts with respect. They have donated their time to help us all.

I am so pumped for tonights event. Please make sure you guys shoot me a text or email, say hi and if you want to catch up for a cuppa please let me know.

My number is 0409 997 285 (I'm a shocker at answering my phone. Ive heard that is an ADHD thing. But text and let me and tell me you are calling and I'll answer if I am able to. I don't know why I do the things I do but I do ) and email is

My daughter made me the perfect emoji for me. I love it.

Amanda xx

Tonights schedule

6:00pm: Amanda DISTRACTD Founder to do official intro and welcome.

6:15 pm : Speaker 1:

6:30 pm : Speaker 2:

6:45 pm : Speaker 3:

7:00 pm : 15 min break

7:15 pm : Q & A starts

8:30 pm : Event officially concludes.

10:00pm: Miami Marketta closes for the evening

DISTRACTD : Event code of conduct

Terms of Participation for the Event.

The Code establishes the behavioural standards to be observed by DISTRACTD staff and event attendees, contractors, volunteers and suppliers in connection with the Event. It aims to ensure that high levels of safety and professional conduct are maintained from and towards all personnel attending such DISTRACTD supported activities and events. The standards set out in the Code apply to any activity or communication that occurs face to face, as well as on any virtual event platform.

Standard of behaviour

  • Show respect towards others at all times, including being considerate, cooperative and collaborative;

  • Present and behave in an appropriate manner including in communications, actions etc;

  • Take all reasonable steps to ensure own safety, including in relation to the responsible consumption of alcohol.

  • Follow the reasonable rules, policies, directions and other practices required by DISTRACTD and any venue hosting the Events.

  • Alert security personnel or DISTRACTD staff if a potentially unsafe situation is observed or suspected.

Prohibited behaviour includes any behaviour that is unacceptable or unwelcome, and includes without limitation:

  • Harassment whether direct or indirect (words or actions directed at a person that annoys, alarms or causes substantial emotional distress);

  • Discrimination whether direct or indirect (treating someone unfairly because of race, colour, sex, sexual preference, age, physical or mental disability, marital status, family responsibilities, pregnancy, religion, political opinion, national extraction or social origin);

  • Sexual harassment (unwelcome, uninvited conduct that is offensive from the view of the person harassed, regardless of intent; unwelcome sexual advances, unwelcome request for sexual favours, any other unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature);

  • Physical abuse and uninvited physical contact; • Intimidation, threats (implied or real) of any form whatsoever, as well as verbal abuse including any unwelcome or discriminatory comments in relation to an individual;

  • Defamatory comments of any nature;

  • Displaying, sharing, sending or discussing inappropriate material e.g. offensive words, images or media in any form whatsoever, suggestive comments or jokes of a sexual nature;

  • Disruptive or anti-social behaviour;

  • Consumption or possession of illicit drugs;

  • Inability or unwillingness to conduct oneself correctly, including as a result of drunken behaviour;

  • Any unlawful behaviour of whatsoever nature;

  • Any damage to property of whatsoever nature.

Should any prohibited behaviour be observed, anticipated, suspected or reported, DISTRACTD may take any reasonable measure that it deems necessary to ensure the safety of others, and/or the maintenance of a professional environment. Such action may include refusal of entry to, or removal of one or more individuals from the Event, and any future activities undertaken by DISTRACTD, at its sole discretion.

Any prohibited or unwelcome behaviour that is witnessed or suspected, should be reported immediately to a DISTRACTD representative immediately.

Meet your speakers:


Amanda Gorman - Founder of DISTRACTD

Amanda Gorman is passionate about building an ADHD community where we can connect with like minded individuals , bring our Boss, Work mates, Friends, Tutor, Coach, Teacher, Parent, Sibling,Neighbour or anyone we we think will benefit from learning more about ADHD and of course for US ourselves to all learn more ourselves. Amanda wears many hats and is as busy as you know an ADHDer can be. She is an Artist, Mother, Teacher and is one of the Directors of the Gold Coast Music Awards.

Her Late ADHD Diagnosis has helped her to understanding why she struggled in certain areas and thrived in others in her life growing up.

Speaker 1

Monique Mitchelson - Clinical Psychologist

Monique is a Clinical Psychologist with experience in both public, community, research and vocational settings. She works from a strengths based perspective using tailored evidence based interventions such as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) as well as Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR - see below for more information) . Monique is interested in vocational counselling where she assists people of all ages with an unclear vocational direction or who want to change career pathways by identifying vocational strengths, values and job-person fit. Monique is also interested in treating Insomnia, Circadian Rhythm Disorders and other sleep disorders. She is trained in Cognitive-Behaviour Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-I) which is the gold standard treatment for insomnia, as well as Mindfulness Based Therapy for Insomnia (MBT-I). Along with psychology Monique is also a qualified yoga teacher.

Speaker 2

Michelle Livock Clinical Neuropsychologist

Michelle is a Clinical Neuropsychologist and completed her postgraduate training and PhD in neuropsychology at the University of Melbourne. She specializes in neuropsychological assessment for children, teens, and adults to assess Intellectual Impairment, learning disorders, neurodevelopment conditions such as ADHD and Autism Spectrum Disorder, and cognitive functioning in the context of brain injury or neurological conditions. Michelle also conducts in-school or in-residence behavioural assessments. Assessment results are combined with supporting information to provide tailored recommendations and strategies to best support the individual and their family. Michelle is trained in the ADOS-2 (Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule) which is the gold standard in assessment and diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder.

Michelle also enjoys working with children, teens, and their families on issues relating to anxiety, behavioural difficulties, and social and emotional problems. She draws from a variety of evidence based techniques, such as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, and Play Therapy and tailors her approach to each client. She is passionate about supporting her clients to develop resilience skills and improved self-awareness.

Speaker 3

Dr Glen Craig : Psychiatrist

Dr Glen Craig is a Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist who has been working in private practice on the Gold Coast since 2012.

Glen is a Fellow of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists. He holds additional Advanced Training qualifications in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. Glen has also previously held clinical titles of Associate Lecturer at Griffith University and the University of Queensland.

​Glen specialises in the assessment, diagnosis and management of a range of psychiatric conditions in children and adolescents. Over the years, he has build a strong collaborative relationship with numerous health care professionals and schools on the Gold Coast.

​Glen enjoys working with patients with a range of conditions, and is well known on the Gold Coast for his work in ADHD in both adults and children. Other areas of interest include Autistic Spectrum Disorder, Anxiety disorders, Depression, eating disorders, and problems of learning and education.

​Glen is also trained as a General Adult Psychiatrist and is available to see adults up to forty years of age. His expertise in childhood conditions and development across the lifespan offers a unique perspective to the treatment of adult patients.

*Dr Craig is not accepting new patients at this time. Current patients will remain able to schedule appointments with Dr Craig.

Speaker 4:

Sarah Gurrin: Psychologist

Sarah is a fully registered psychologist and teacher based on the Gold Coast . Her passion is to help children create and reach their goals. Having completed a masters in Educational and developmental psychology Sarah has been working with children for over 20 years. She specialises in working with neurodiverse individuals .Providing assessments and ongoing therapy. Working in conjunction with specialists to provide assessment of autism, ADHD and specific learning disorders.

OurNext Event :

Wednesday July 5th We have the team from Therapywell joining us to discuss their wholistic approach to ADHD treatment.

Click the link below to RSVP for next month so we have correct numbers recorded.

TEACHING STUDENTS WITH ADHD: We are going to be doing an event on the Gold Coast ( date tbc) that will be a ticketed. The event is in relation to teaching kids with ADHD. This will be an event held elsewhere and will have multiple experts doing a more formal presentation on their subject in relation to teaching kids with ADHD. Please register your interest below in attendance so we can get in touch with a specific date and ticketing . Also please reach out of you are teacher as we need to survey the teachers on what specific content they would like covered.

Recommended reading / Viewing / Listening:

BOOKs: List of best books thanks to Healthline

  • Best classic: Driven to Distraction

  • Best for women: A Radical Guide for Women with ADHD

  • Best for adults: Thriving with Adult ADHD

  • Best for everyday life: Order from Chaos

  • Best for parents: What Your ADHD Child Wishes You Knew

  • Best for couples: The ADHD Effect on Marriage

  • Best for getting organized: Organizing Solutions for People with ADHD

  • Best for harnessing your strengths: ADHD 2.0

  • Best for teens: Smart but Scattered Teens

  • Best for children: Thriving with ADHD Workbook for Kids

Social media pages :




Amanda's Ted X talk discussing her ADHD diagnosis

This months attendee quote "I love our community and discussions and how far many of us have come in our own personal journeys"

Miami Marketta is a proud sponsor of DISTRACTD, to see their upcoming gigs and events click here .

Thank you for joining us . Please follow us, keep in touch and come along to our monthly events.

We would love to hear of your recommended podcasts, books, videos, groups etc to share with the audience. Email Amanda on or Slide on into the DM's on socials. Promise we wont find it creepy.

TO, YOU for attending, THE SPEAKERS Monique, Michelle and Glen for their time and knowledge and MY FAMILY for supporting me with DISTRACTD.

Enjoy your June .

See you next month.

Amanda and the DISTRACTD crew xx

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