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March 6th 2024

Updated: Mar 6

Welcome to our March DISTRACTD.

Thankyou so much for coming along tonight. If its your first night here, WELCOME. It's because of you and the regular attendees we are able to make this happen. If no one came to these events there would be no DISTRACTD. As I always say. Imagine if we could get all the family members, teachers, bosses and friends here to get an understanding of what ADHD is? How different our lives would become. Please reach out at any time to me. My email is

I hope you enjoy tonights event. Please reach out with any suggestions/ recomendations / requests. Its no easy task to pull these events together each month so any suggestions for topics / speakers are so welcomed.

Have a great night and month ahead.


Are you at DISTRACTD as

  • An individual with ADHD

  • A parent or partner

  • A teacher, Boss , Coach or co worker ?

  • Health Professional

Tonights schedule

6:00 pm : Amanda DISTRACTD Founder to do official intro and welcome.

6:10 pm : Speaker 1: Nicole Brown - Shepherd ( A Paediatric Dietitian from Wholistic dietietics

6:25 pm : Speaker 2: Genevieve Whittington ( A head of learning and enhancement years Prep - 12)

6:40 pm : Speaker 3: Dianne Hatcher ( Educational Consultant)

6:55 pm : 15 min break

7:10 pm : Q & A starts

8:30 pm : Event officially concludes and purchases can also be made now.

10:00 pm: Miami Marketta closes for the evening

Please jump on our Instagram / Facebook and Follow us and share with your friends and families . That will help us build our audience and help more people with ADHD connect to our community and learn from our experts.

FINALLY we have your Teachers Only event planned for the Holidays on the 12th April

Book your tickets here

Meet your speakers for tonight :


Amanda Gorman - Founder of DISTRACTD

Amanda Gorman is passionate about building an ADHD community where we can connect with like minded individuals , bring our Boss, Work mates, Friends, Tutor, Coach, Teacher, Parent, Sibling,Neighbour or anyone we we think will benefit from learning more about ADHD and of course for US ourselves to all learn more ourselves.

Nicole Brown - Shepherd

I am a compassionate and dedicated Paediatric Dietitian who strongly believes in empowering children and their families to connect with their nutritional needs for optimal health outcomes. Helping little ones thrive is my passion, which is why I have invested significant time and effort into my education and training, specialising in the field of paediatric nutrition.

I hold a double degree in Nutrition and Dietetics and Exercise Science, and I have further expanded my knowledge through studies in Clinical Paediatric Dietetics and Pre and Post-Natal Dietetics. This diverse educational background has equipped me with a comprehensive understanding of the intricate relationship between nutrition, exercise, and the growing bodies of soon-to-be mothers and children.

My expertise covers a wide range of paediatric nutrition concerns. Whether a child’s nutrition comes from breastfeeding, bottle-feeding, tube feeding, or solid foods, I am here to provide guidance and support. My specialisation lies in the nutritional management of infants, children, and young adults facing various challenges, including growth concerns, gut health issues including constipation, diarrhea and dysbiosis, food allergies and intolerances, prematurity, fussy eating and food aversion, appetite imbalances, hormonal imbalances, and nutrient imbalances.

One area of particular interest to me is the nutritional management of neurodevelopmental and neurodiverse conditions. I am a neuro-affirming practitioner and I work closely with children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), anxiety, depression, and behavioural issues. By tailoring dietary advice and developing personalised nutrition and supplementation plans, I aim to meet each child’s unique requirements to support the challenges associated with their medical condition.

I also possess extensive experience in supporting children receiving Home Enteral Nutrition. I am well-versed in managing gastrostomy and nasogastric feeds, blended tube feeds, and facilitating the gradual transition from tube feeding to oral intake (tube weaning).

I also recognise the vital role of nutrition during the perinatal period, I extend my support to mothers as well. I understand the profound impact of prenatal nutrition on the health of future generations. By offering guidance and assistance, I help mothers optimise their nutritional status during the pre and post-natal period to ensure a healthy foundation for both themselves and their growing babies.

As a Paediatric and Prenatal Dietitian, my ultimate goal is to empower children and their families, supporting their well-being from infancy through to young adulthood. I am committed to helping them thrive, reach their fullest potential, and enjoy a lifetime of good health

Genevieve Whittington :

Genevieve is the Head of Learning Enhancement years Prep to 12 at an independent Gold Coast school who is passionate about exploring the best ways we can teach our ADHD and neuro diverse students. She is particularly passionate about finding innovative ways to use technology and creative thinking to draw the best out of our kids. Genevieve has Bachelor’s in Social Science and a Masters in Teaching and recently completed a Post Grad Certificate in Special Needs Education. She grew up in England and France and finally settled on the GC 14 years ago. .



  • Over 30 years educational experience, knowledge and expertise as a classroom teacher, Learning Support teacher and an Educational Support Coordinator. 

  • Registered QLD teacher: 694110

  • B Ed, M Ed (Educational Studies), lecturer and tutor at GU in Education Faculty.

  • Educational experience and expertise PP-12 as a differentiator: supporting teachers, parents/caregivers and students with assessments and collaborative plans and recommendations, to provide adjustments, personalised support, evidence-based interventions, and a learning environment that maximises student educational outcomes, resilience, success and positive self-efficacy.

  • Educational experience and expertise supporting all students to be successful learners, including students with learning differences, students for whom educational teams believe are not performing to their potential, specific learning disorders, specialising in reading disorders, and students with disabilities, including ADHD.

  • Educational experience with NCCD and NDIS.

  • Comprehensive network of allied health professionals to support a collaborative team approach.



  • To navigate the pathways required to facilitate an understanding of each child’s learning differences, and to prioritise and plan strategically, in what may feel like a plethora of options and opinions.

  • To establish meaningful collaborations between parents/care givers, schools and allied health professionals, in order to improve educational outcomes, and to ensure and promote equitable outcomes for students.

  • To support teams to develop effective personalised learning frameworks and prioritised goals (academic, social and emotional) for both the home and school environments.

  • To support parents and caregivers to create the very best learning opportunities for their children. Every child needs to feel successful, actively engaged in learning, resilient and with positive self-efficacy in the school learning environment.

Our Next Event :

Wednesday April 3rd

We have as speakers Sarah Gurrin ( East Coast assessments) Candice Aoudad ( Psycologist ) Coleen Measday ( My ADHD Coach )

Topics we will cover are

ADHD in girls

ADHD and the brain

Anxiety and ADHD

Click the link below to RSVP for next month so we have correct numbers recorded.

Recommended reading / Viewing / Listening

Alison from the Incremental shift has a super weekly newsletter you should subscribe to. Check this post out below.

Does your resilience stay consistent?  Mine waxes and wanes.  Some days I can seem to handle things better than others!  Nothing has tested my resilience more than 1) being a parent, but also 2) running a business.  I have a mentor who says EXPECT THE PAIN.  Now you could easily change out the word pain for "challenges", "discomfort", "hard stuff" whatever resonates.  But the point is, when the pain and obstacles come, don't be surprised!  Did you expect parenting to not have challenges?  Honestly, I thought it wouldn't be such an emotional mental game, but here we are!  What did I do, I welcomed the challenge (not necessarily with open arms!) but it wasn't going anywhere, it was up to me to upskill and build my resilience and when the current "pain"/challenge was over, EXPECT another one!  It'll come!

In the complex details of family life, each member contributes to the unique pattern of experiences, challenges, and successes. For neurodiverse families, the family dynamic has a spectrum of strengths and challenges, creating a rich and dynamic family flow! Building resilience becomes a essential for navigating the ups and downs, of which there are many, fostering positive relationships, and ensuring the overall well-being of every family member.

Understanding Neurodiverse Families:

Neurodiverse families have a range of profiles, including individuals with conditions such as ASD, ADHD, or SPD. While each member brings their own set of strengths and challenges, the collective experience is an opportunity for growth, understanding, and shared resilience.

They Sure Are Unique!

Resilience in neurodiverse families begins with embracing the uniqueness of each family member. Recognising and celebrating individual strengths builds a foundation of acceptance and appreciation. Instead of focusing solely on challenges, shift the narrative to highlight the diverse talents and abilities that make each family member extraordinary.  Sometimes this is easy, sometimes this is difficult, acknowledge that, but try to revert to their strengths always, for your own wellbeing and for their growth as little people.  This can be challenging, I know!  But the little people in your life need you to be their positive advocate, always.

Fostering Positive Communication:

Communication lies at the heart of resilient families. In neurodiverse families, where individuals may have diverse communication styles, fostering effective and open communication is paramount. Encourage active listening, promote the use of visual aids or alternative communication methods, and create an environment where every voice is heard and valued.  Use dot points, whiteboards, pictures, flow charts where possible to minimise confusion and easy understanding.

Cultivating Flexibility:

Flexibility is a key component of resilience. Neurodiverse families often encounter unexpected changes or shifts in routine, and the ability to adapt is crucial. Cultivate flexibility by introducing visual schedules, preparing for transitions, and maintaining open communication about any changes. This helps create a sense of predictability within a flexible framework.  Talk about your experiences of change and how you cope with change.  Sometimes these kiddos need to be taught how to have self-talk in a positive way, for example, “I really struggle with unexpected changes like when my workmate is away and I have no one to talk to.  I know it’s because I feel lonely and I miss them”.  This can help kids to understand their own feelings when their friend is away from school and why the change feels uncomfortable.

Providing Structure and Routine:

While flexibility is essential, so is the establishment of structure and routine. Many neurodiverse individuals find comfort and security in a structured environment. Establishing predictable routines can reduce anxiety, enhance communication, and create a stable foundation for the entire family.  This can be difficult to achieve if one or both of the parents are neurodiverse and struggle with the executive functioning components of actually creating and keeping a routine.

Building a Supportive Network:

Resilience is not built in isolation. Developing a supportive network is crucial for neurodiverse families. Connect with local and online communities, support groups, and organisations that specialise in neurodiversity. Sharing experiences, resources, and advice creates a sense of belonging and reinforces the understanding that you are not alone on this journey.  This can be very challenging, and at the start can create a ‘more trouble than it’s worth’ feeling – if you can persist and find communities that are easier to build into your day to day life, it’ll be more manageable to stick to it.  But don’t give up.  Networks aren’t built in isolation.

Promoting Self-Care:

Resilience starts with self-care. Family members, especially caregivers, need to prioritize their well-being. Recognise the signs of burnout, seek support when needed, and carve out moments for self-care. A well-nurtured caregiver is better equipped to provide the support and resilience the entire family requires.

Encouraging Independence:

Fostering independence in neurodiverse family members can be uncomfortable but is a powerful way to build resilience. Tailor expectations to individual abilities, encourage autonomy in daily tasks, and celebrate achievements, no matter how small!! Empowering each family member to embrace their independence contributes to a resilient and confident family unit that doesn’t solely rely on one / both adults.

Learning and Growing Together:

Resilience is an ongoing process of learning and growing together. Take the opportunity to educate family members about neurodiversity, promote empathy, and create an environment where questions are welcomed. Learning together fosters understanding, breaks down stereotypes, and strengthens the family bond.  You can also have an opportunity to laugh at yourself!  This not only leaves you vulnerable and open to someone else in your family laughing at you, it creates a sense of fun and demonstrates to the kids and even other adults that EVERYONE makes mistakes, everyone learns and everyone grows no matter your age.

We have started a jar for each person in the house, and at the end of each week we all write a challenge that we encountered during the week on a post it note, fold it up and put it in the jar.  At the end of the year we will be able to see all the challenges we have overcome and we can reflect on the flexibility we had to develop, resilience as we have grown, problem solving skills we had to develop and independence we demonstrated in order to overcome the 52 challenges.  So far the kids really like to discuss the challenges every Friday night at dinner – and you can see how chuffed they are; and they can see how you too have things you’re challenged by and how you overcome them.

Win Win.

You could implement this one today!  It could be a tupperware container! 

This months attendee quote

"We need to share to help create awareness & understanding - its part of our passion & purpose!"

Miami Marketta is a proud sponsor of DISTRACTD, to see their upcoming gigs and events click here .

Thank you for joining us . Please follow us, keep in touch and come along to our monthly events.

We would love to hear of your recommended podcasts, books, videos, groups etc to share with the audience.

What do you want to hear more about?

  • Mindfullness and Meditation

  • Alternative therapies

  • Kids and schooling with ADHD

  • The Diagnosis process

You can vote for more than one answer.

TO, YOU for attending, THE SPEAKERS Nicole Brown - Shepherd,  Genevieve Whittington & Dianne Hatcher for their time and knowledge and MY FAMILY for supporting me with DISTRACTD. I know its a lot of effort and time and at times takes me away from you so thankyou for being there for me. A special mention to my sister Simone who is always here helping me to run things smoothly. I cannot do this without you .

Lets get this March off to a flying start. Have the best month and we will see you soon.

Amanda and the DISTRACTD crew xx

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